SOT 58th Meeting and ToxExpo

The SOT 58th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo will take place at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland from March 10th to 14th, 2019.


EPISKIN will be please to welcome you at booth #3313 and present new products and brand new videos.


EPISKIN will also present new posters during poster session:


  • 2428: Poster Board - P843: U-SENS: New Perspective for Chemicals Interfering with Fluorescence by Flow Cytometry 

N. Ade1, S. Teluob1, A. Viricel1, C. Piroird2, A. Del Bufalo2, and N. Alepee2. 1Episkin, Lyon, France; and 2L'Oréal, Aulnay-sous-Bois, France.

Presented by Nadège Ade, EPISKIN - : Tue, Mar 12 - 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM




  • 2435: Poster Board - P850: How to Assess a Phototoxicity Risk Related to Topical Exposure by Using the In Vitro SkinEthic RHE Model

C. Videau1, C. Grégoire1, N. Alépée2, S. Dreyfuss1, and N. Seyler1. 1Episkin SA, Lyon, France; and 2L'Oréal, Aulnay sous Bois, France. 

Presented by Nathalie Alépée - Tue, Mar 12 - 10:45am - 12:15pm 



Please discover the full Scientific Program on SOT website and the detailed program on this other SOT webpage.