Fibroblasts play a regulatory role in the control of pigmentation in reconstructed human skin from skin types I and II

Human melanocytes in monolayer culture are extremely dependent on a wide range of soluble signals for their proliferation and melanogenesis. The advent of three-dimensional models of reconstructed skin allows one to ask questions of how these cells are regulated within a setting which more closely approximates normal skin. The purpose of this study was to investigate to what extent melanocytes within a reconstructed skin model are sensitive to regulation by dermal fibroblasts, basement membrane (BM) proteins and the addition of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH). Sterilized acellular de-epidermized dermis (prepared to retain BM proteins or deliberately denuded of BM by enzymatic treatment) from skin type I or II was reconstituted with fibroblasts, melanocytes and keratinocytes. In all but one case (9/10), cell donors were skin type I or II. The presence of BM antigens was found to be necessary for positional orientation of the melanocytes; in the absence of BM, melanocytes moved into the upper keratinocyte layer pigmenting spontaneously. Addition of fibroblasts suppressed the extent of spontaneous pigmentation of melanocytes within this model. Neither alpha-MSH nor cholera toxin induced pigmentation in this model despite the fact that melanocytes clearly had the ability to synthesize pigment.

In vitro test approach

2002 Pigment Cell Res 2002 Feb ;15 (1):49-56
University Section of Medicine, Division of Clinical Sciences, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, UK.