Migration of Langerhans cells into the epidermis of human skin grafted into nude mice

In a previous study, it was demonstrated that human Langerhans cells (LC) are preserved in human skin grafted onto a nude mouse. Moreover, although it was observed that mouse LC of the host invade skin grafts from allogeneic mouse or rat, they do not penetrate in human skin grafts. In most of the human skin equivalent systems produced in vitro, LC appear to be lost. The present study was designed to investigate whether the mouse LC will repopulate a human skin equivalent. For this purpose, two different systems of skin equivalent have been grafted into the nude mouse. They were composed of human keratinocytes deposited on dead human dermis, or on lattice composed of human fibroblasts embedded in type I collagen. At different times after grafting, the presence of LC in the transplants was assayed either by indirect immunofluorescence or by electron microscopy. Indirect immunofluorescence was performed on frozen sections or on epidermal sheets with anti-Ia, anti-HLA-DR, or OKT6 antibodies. It was observed that, at 2 months after grafting, Ia(+) HLA-DR(-) OKT6(-) cells are present in grafted human epidermis. Moreover, LC with typical Birbeck granules are also detected by electron microscopy. It could be concluded, from this study, that mouse LC can repopulate human epidermis devoid of human LC

In vitro test approach

1992 J Invest Dermatol 1992 Nov ;99(5):54S-55S
CIRD GALDERMA, Sophia Antipolis, Valbonne, France