The reconstitution of living skin

A living-skin equivalent useful as a skin replacement and as a model system for basic studies has been fabricated and tested extensively. It consists of two components: (1) a dermal equivalent made up of fibroblasts in a collagen matrix that is contracted and modified by the resident cells, and (2) an epidermis that develops from keratinocytes "plated" on the dermal equivalent. A multilayered keratinizing epidermis with desmosomes, tonofilaments, and hemidesmosomes forms. Basement lamella formation occurs within 2 weeks in vitro when rat cells are used. With human cells, crypt or pseudofollicular morphogenesis is observed in vitro within 3 weeks after plating cells on the dermal equivalent. Autografts and isografts of rat-skin equivalents made with cultured cells from biopsies are rapidly vascularized, block wound contraction, and persist essentially for the lifespan of the host. Seven to 9 days after grafting, donor cells become activated biosynthetically and mitotically. By 1 year, the dermal population decreases to a normal level and the matrix has been extensively remodeled. The grafts remain free of hair and sebaceous glands. Grafts to rats have been in place for over 2 years. Now, allografts of dermal equivalents have been made across a major histocompatibility barrier and are not rejected. The persistence of cellular elements of the grafts is monitored by use of a genetic marker. Challenge of the allograft with a second skin-equivalent graft after 1 month does not result in rejection of the original graft or of the second skin-equivalent graft. We propose that allografts of tissue equivalents are tolerated because cells with class II antigens are selected against during in vitro cultivation and are excluded from the graft. Thus the fabrication of skin-equivalent tissues or of other equivalent tissues with parenchymal cells that do not bear class II antigens may render transplants of such tissues immunologically acceptable despite the presence of allogeneic cells. The capacity to graft across major histocompatibility barriers using living tissue equivalents may have important clinical significance