Influence of voriconazole and fluconazole on reconstituted multilayered oesophageal epithelium infected by Candida albicans.

Reconstituted multilayered oesophageal epithelium appears to be a good basis to test the efficacy of voriconazole (VOR) and fluconazole (FLU) in the tissue. The resulting model of a Candida oesophagitis was approaching the in vivo situation. We infected the tissue with 2 x 10(6) cfu of the Candida albicans strain SC5314. In the trials with FLU we also used clinical strains. Four hours after infection a good growth of C. albicans appeared mainly with hyphae on the surface of the tissue and a tendency to invasion. The destruction of the tissue began after 36 h. VOR (2 and 16 microg ml-1, respectively) prevented the penetration of hyphae into the tissue, when it was given 4-8 h after infection. It was less effective in reduction of Candida growth on the tissue surface. When VOR was given 16-24 h postinfection, the Candida infiltration stopped more slowly. Thirty-six hours after infection VOR application could not stop the destruction of the tissue despite reducing the fungi. The results with FLU (32 microg ml-1) were in principle the same, but not so distinct. FLU seems to be more effective against clinical strains of C. albicans than against the type strain.

In vitro test approach

2004 Mycoses. 2004 Aug;47(7):330-7.
Department of Surgery, University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany. [email protected]