Cytotoxicity testing using neutral red and MTT assays on a three-dimensional human skin substrate
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Distribution of low-density lipoprotein receptors and apolipoprotein B on normal and on reconstructed human epidermis
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Epidermis generated in vitro: Practical considerations and applications
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Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions enhance expression of collagen VII in vitro
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Growth stimulation of human keratinocytes by tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases
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In vitro reconstruction of human skin: The use of skin equivalents as potential indicators of cutaneous toxicity
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In vitro toxicity of various classes of test agents using the neutral red assay on a human three-dimensional physiologic skin model
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Interleukin-4 stimulates collagen synthesis by normal and scleroderma fibroblasts in dermal equivalents
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Polarized expression of integrin receptors (alpha 6 beta 4, alpha 2 beta 1, alpha 3 beta 1, and alpha v beta 5) and their relationship with the cytoskeleton and basement membrane matrix in cultured human keratinocytes
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Recipes for reconstituting skin
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Physiologic distribution and differentiation of melanocytes in human fetal and neonatal skin equivalents
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Keratinocytes regulate melanocyte number in human fetal and neonatal skin equivalents
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In vitro and post-transplantation differentiation of human keratinocytes grown on the human type IV collagen film of a bilayered dermal substitute
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Reconstruction of the skin in three-dimensional collagen gel matrix culture
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Growth of melanocytes in a skin equivalent model in vitro
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Physiologic distribution and differentiation of melanocytes in human fetal and neonatal skin equivalents
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Reconstructed Skin from Cocultured Human Keratinocytes and Fibroblasts on a Chitosane Cross-Linked Collagen-Gag Matrix
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Characterization of skin reconstructed on a chitosan-cross-linked collagen-glycosaminoglycan matrix
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Nitroglycerin and sucrose permeability as quality markers for reconstructed human epidermis
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Reconstituted epidermis: a novel model for the study of drug metabolism in human epidermis
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