Models of oral and vaginal candidiasis based on in vitro reconstituted human epithelia.
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Assessment of the skin irritation potential of chemicals by using the SkinEthic reconstructed human epidermal model and the common skin irritation protocol evaluated in the ECVAM skin irritation validation study
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Prevalidation of a new in vitro reconstituted human cornea model to assess the eye irritating potential of chemicals
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Assessment of the human epidermis model SkinEthic RHE for in vitro skin corrosion testing of chemicals according to new OECD TG 431
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Assessment of the human epidermis model SkinEthic RHE for in vitro skin corrosion testing of chemicals according to new OECD TG 431
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Toxicity of used orthodontic archwires assessed by three-dimensional cell culture
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ECVAM, ESAC | SkinEthic
In vitro protective eVect of a Jacquez grapes wine extract
| SkinEthic
Assessment of the human epidermis model SkinEthic RHE for in vitro skin corrosion testing of chemicals according to new OECD TG 431.
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Evaluation of buccal methyl-beta-cyclodextrin toxicity on human oral epithelial cell culture model
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Slow internal release of bioactive compounds under the effect of skin enzymes
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An ultrastructural and a cytochemical study of candidal invasion of reconstituted human oral epithelium
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Reconstructed epidermis versus human and animal skin in skin absorption studies.
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Cutaneous estradiol permeation, penetration and metabolism in pig and man
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Candida albicans-secreted aspartic proteinases modify the epithelial cytokine response in an in vitro model of vaginal candidiasis
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