In vitro stimulation of synthesis of key DEJ constituents in a reconstructed skin model: a quantitative study
Journal of investigative dermatology 2003 ;25 (1-2):55-62 | Coletica, Lyon, France; YSL Beaute, Neuilly sur Seine, France
Skin-lightening products revisited
Journal of investigative dermatology 2003 ;25 (4):169-181 | Department of Dermatopathology, University Medical Center Sart Tilman, 4000 Liege, Belgium
The sun protection factor (SPF) inadequately defines broad spectrum photoprotection: demonstration using skin reconstructed in vitro exposed to UVA, UVBor UV-solar simulated radiation
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Albumin effects on drug absorption and metabolism in reconstructed epidermis and excised pig skin
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New acylceramide in native and reconstructed epidermis
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Reconstruction of epidermis by grafting of keratinocytes cultured on polymer support--clinical study
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In vitro reconstructed mucosa-integrating Langerhans' cells
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Reconstituted 3-dimensional human skin of various ethnic origins as an in vitro model for studies of pigmentation
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[Natural and photo-induced aging of the skin: the three dimensional culture approach]
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Alternatives to animal testing: research, trends, validation, regulatory acceptance
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Use of human reconstructed epidermis to analyze the regulation of beta-defensin hBD-1, hBD-2, and hBD-3 expression in response to LPS
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Ocular surface reconstruction using cultivated mucosal epithelial stem cells
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Carbohydrate expression and modification during keratinocyte differentiation in normal human and reconstructed epidermis
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The use of reconstructed human skin to evaluate UV-induced modifications and sunscreen efficacy
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In vitro reconstruction of human dermal equivalent enriched with endothelial cells
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A strategy for the development of tissue engineering scaffolds that regulate cell behavior
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Reduced expression of the hyphal-independent Candida albicans proteinase genes SAP1 and SAP3 in the efg1 mutant is associated with attenuated virulence during infection of oral epithelium
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LAV694, a new antiproliferative agent showing improved skin tolerability vs. clinical standards for the treatment of actinic keratosis
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Assessment of the skin photoprotective capacities of an organo-mineral broad-spectrum sunblock on two ex vivo skin models
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An assessment of the phototoxic hazard of a personal product ingredient using in vitro assays
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