A human skin equivalent model that mimics the photoproduction of vitamin D3 in human skin
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The importance of laminin 5 in the dermal-epidermal basement membrane
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In vitro and human testing strategies for skin irritation
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Integration of Langerhans cells into a pigmented reconstructed bunian epidermis
Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia 2000 ;135 (3 Suppl. 1):1-5 | M. Regnier, Life Science Research, Centre Charles Zviak, L'Oreal, 90, rue do General Roguet, F-92583 Clichy
Keratinocytes influence the maturation and organization of the elastin network in a skin equivalent
J Invest Dermatol 2000 ;114 (2):365-70 | Laboratoire des Substituts Cutanes, Service de biochimie C, Hopital E. Herriot, Lyon, France.
Microdialysis technique as a method to study the percutaneous penetration of methyl nicotinate through excised human skin, reconstructed epidermis, and human skin in vivo
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Microfabrication of an analog of the basal lamina: biocompatible membranes with complex topographies
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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha enhances lipid metabolism in a skin equivalent model
J Invest Dermatol 2000 ;114 (4):681-7 | GALDERMA R&D, Sophia-Antipolis cedex, Valbonne, France.
Spontaneous cell sorting of fibroblasts and keratinocytes creates an organotypic human skin equivalent
Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2000 ;114 (4):674-680 | Dr. W.K. Hoeffler, Xgene Corporation, 863C Mitten Rd, Burlingame, CA 94010 EML: [email protected]
Telomerase expression restores dermal integrity to in vitro-aged fibroblasts in a reconstituted skin model
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Topical hyaluronidase decreases hyaluronic acid and CD44 in human skin and in reconstituted human epidermis: Evidence that hyaluronidase can permeate the stratum corneum
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Use of human skin equivalent Apligraf for in vitro assessment of cumulative skin irritation potential of topical products
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Augmentation du contenu en ceramides des epidermes humains reconstruits apres traitement avec un sphingolipide exogene a base sphinganine
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A three-dimensional skin culture model for mouse keratinocytes: application to transgenic mouse keratinocytes
Journal of investigative dermatology 2000 ;9 (1):20-24 | Keratinocyte Laboratory, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, 44 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PX, United Kingdom; Genetics Institute, 1 Burtt Rd, Andover, MA 01810, United States; Laboratoire de Dermatologie Moleculaire, Institut Universitaire de Recherch
Local irritation/corrosion testing strategies : Development of a decision support system for the introduction of alternative methods
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Use of a standardized reconstructed epidermis kit to assess in vitro the tolerance and the efficacy of cosmetics
In vitro and molecular toxicology 2000 ;22 (6):409-419 | L'Oreal Life Science Research, 90 rue du general Roguet, 92583 Clichy, France; Episkin SNC ZI des Trocques, 69630 Chaponost, France
Use of reconstituted human epidermis cultures to assess the disrupting effect of organic solvents on the barrier function of excised human skin
Cell biology and toxicology 2000 ;13 (3):159-171 | Lancaster Group-Coty, International Research Center, Monaco; Laboratoire de Dermo-Pharmacologie, Faculte de Pharmacie, Chatenay-Malabry, France
Keratinocytes influence the maturation and organization of the elastin network in a skin equivalent
J Invest Dermatol 2000 Feb ;114(2):365-370 | Laboratoire des Substituts Cutanes, Service de biochimie C, Hopital E. Herriot, Lyon, France
A new skin equivalent model: dermal substrate that combines de-epidermized dermis with fibroblast-populated collagen matrix
J Dermatol Sci 2000 Jun ;23 (2):132-7 | Department of Dermatology, Seoul National University Hospital, 28 Yongon-Dong, Chongno-Gu, Seoul, South Korea.
Comparison of surface free energy between reconstructed human epidermis and in situ human skin
Skin Res Technol 2000 Nov ;6 (4):245-249 | L'Oreal, Applied Research and Development, Microbiology Department, Chevilly-Larue; L'Oreal, Advanced Research Centre, Life Sciences, Aulnay-sous-bois; INRA, Bioadhesion and Material Hygiene Research Unit, Massy, France.