Pour une dermocosmetique active et affranchie de l'experimentation animale inutile
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Chitosan-chondroitin sulfate and chitosan-hyaluronate polyelectrolyte complexes: biological properties
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Characterization of detergent-induced barrier alterations -- effect of barrier cream on irritation
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Use of dermal equivalent and skin equivalent models for in vitro cutaneous irritation testing of cosmetic products : Comparison with in vivo human data
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Activation of fibroblast metabolism in a dermal and skin equivalent model : a screening test for activity of peptides
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Investigations on the regulation of secreted aspartyl proteases in a model of oral candidiasis in vivo
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Differential expression of secreted aspartyl proteinases in a model of human oral candidosis and in patient samples from the oral cavity.
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Differential expression of secreted aspartyl proteinases in a model of human oral candidosis and in patient samples from the oral cavity
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Comparison of an in vitro skin model to normal human skin for dermatological research
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Comparison of six different methods to assess UVA cytotoxicity on reconstructed epidermis. Relevance of a fluorimetric assay (the calcein-AM) to evaluate the photoprotective effects of alpha-tocopherol
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Differential expression of collagens XII and XIV in human skin and in reconstructed skin
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Epidermal growth factor and temperature regulate keratinocyte differentiation
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Incomplete differentiation of fetal keratinocytes in the skin equivalent leads to the default pathway of apoptosis
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Light and electron microscopic findings in human epidermis reconstructed in vitro upon topical application of liposomal tretinoin
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Reconstructed skin for in vitro cutaneous pharmacotoxicology: Example of metabolic studies
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A skin equivalent model for cosmetological trials: an in vitro efficacy study of a new biopeptide
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Skin irritation testing - What are the alternatives?
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Tissue engineering and the development of Apligraf(TM), a human skin equivalent
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Use of dermal equivalent and skin equivalent models for identifying phototoxic compounds in vitro
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Use of human skin reconstructs in the study of pigment modifiers
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