Use of in vitro dermal equivalent and skin equivalent kits for evaluating cutaneous toxicity of cosmetic products
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Impression cytology study of epithelial phenotype of ocular surface reconstructed by preserved human amniotic membrane
Arch Ophthalmol 1997 Nov ;115 (11):1360-7 | Department of Ophthalmology, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, Fla., USA.
Successive alteration and recovery of epidermal differentiation and morphogenesis after specific UVB-damages in skin reconstructed in vitro
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Incomplete differentiation of fetal keratinocytes in the skin equivalent leads to the default pathway of apoptosis
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Use of human skin reconstructs in the study of pigment modifiers
Arch Dermatol 1997 Mar ;133(3):331-336 | Laboratoire de Dermatologie, Universite Victor Segalen, Bordeaux, France
Topical vitamin D3 derivatives impair the epidermal permeability barrier in normal mouse skin
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Differential expression of the HsKin17 protein during differentiation of in vitro reconstructed human skin
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Differential expression of collagens XII and XIV in human skin and in reconstructed skin
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A skin equivalent model for cosmetological trials: an in vitro efficacy study of a new biopeptide
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The formation of competent barrier lipids in reconstructed human epidermis requires the presence of vitamin C
J Invest Dermatol 1997 Sep ;109 (3):348-55 | Department of Dermatology, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands.
Regulation of pigmentation in cultured skin substitutes by cytometric sorting of melanocytes and keratinocytes
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Integration of Langerhans cells into a pigmented reconstructed human epidermis
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Epidermal barrier in disorders of the skin
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Keratinocytes contract human dermal extracellular matrix and reduce soluble fibronectin production by fibroblasts in a skin composite model
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Culture of reconstructed epidermis in a defined medium at 33 degrees C shows a delayed epidermal maturation, prolonged lifespan and improved stratum corneum
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Use of dermal equivalent and skin equivalent models for identifying phototoxic compounds in vitro
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Barrier function of reconstructed epidermis at the air-liquid interface: influence of dermal cells and extracellular components
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Measurements of the protective effect of topically applied sunscreens using in vitro three-dimensional dermal and skin equivalents
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Pigmented human skin equivalent: new method of reconstitution by grafting an epithelial sheet onto a non-contractile dermal equivalent
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Epidermal reconstructs in vitiligo: an extrinsic factor is needed to trigger the disease
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