Cytochrome P450-dependent enzyme activities and testosterone metabolism in a reconstituted human epidermis
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Expression of integrin receptors and ICAM-1 on keratinocytes in vivo and in an in vitro reconstructed epidermis: effect of sodium dodecyl sulphate
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Interaction of liposomes with human epidermis reconstructed in vitro
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Keratinocytes and fibroblasts in a human skin equivalent model enhance melanocyte survival and melanin synthesis after ultraviolet irradiation
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Keratinocytes modulate the biosynthetic phenotype of dermal fibroblasts at a pretranslational level in a human skin equivalent
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Skin2(TM): An in vitro approach to assess irritant contact dermatitis
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Skin equivalent produced with human collagen
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Triglyceride metabolism in human keratinocytes cultured at the air-liquid interface
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The use of a reconstructed human epidermis episkin for the assessment of safety and efficacy of cosmetic products
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Use of human skin recombinants as an in vitro model for testing the irritation potential of cutaneous irritants
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Visualization of diffusion pathways across the stratum corneum of native and in-vitro-reconstructed epidermis by confocal laser scanning microscopy
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Cytotoxicity testing of topical antimicrobial agents on human keratinocytes and fibroblasts for cultured skin grafts
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Ex vivo reconstruction of the epidermis with melanocytes and the influence of UVB
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Pharmacotoxicological applications of an equivalent dermis: three measurements of cytotoxicity
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Human epidermis reconstructed on synthetic membrane: influence of experimental conditions on terminal differentiation
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Application of the human dermal model skin<superscript>2 ZK 1350 to phototoxicity and skin corrosivity testing
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Surfactant-induced dermatitis : comparison of corneosurfametry with predictive testing on human and reconstructed skin
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Pharmacotoxicological Applications of an Equivalent Dermis - 3 Measurements of Cytotoxicity
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Activity of Vittel water on proliferation of human fibroblasts, proliferation and differentiation of human keratinocytes
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An approach for development of alternative test methods based on mechanisms of skin irritation
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