AUTHORS : Durand S Eilstein Joan Lelièvre D Sextius Peggy MODELS : T-Skin APPLICATIONS : PHOTOPROTECTION A Proprietary Punica granatum pericarp Extract Its Antioxidant Properties 2025 MDPI - Antioxidants 2025, 14, 301 | L’Oréal Research and Innovation, Bangalore India - Episkin, Lyon, France - L’Oréal Research and Innovation, Aulnay Sous-Bois, France - L’Oréal Research and Innovation, Mumbai, India
AUTHORS : Baudouin Jean-Eric Bertino Beatrice Boulgana Rachid de Brugerolle de Fraissinette A Mahé Yann Sahuc F Samarsky Dmitry Sextius Peggy Tailor Peggy Teluob Séverine Welch Peter MODELS : RHPE / RECONSTRUCTED HUMAN PIGMENTED EPIDERMIS APPLICATIONS : PIGMENTATION Potential use of RNA i on human skin 2009 | SkinEthic, L'Oréal, Invitrogen, RXI Pharmaceuticals