AUTHORS : Durand S Eilstein Joan Lelièvre D Sextius Peggy MODELS : T-Skin APPLICATIONS : PHOTOPROTECTION A Proprietary Punica granatum pericarp Extract Its Antioxidant Properties 2025 MDPI - Antioxidants 2025, 14, 301 | L’Oréal Research and Innovation, Bangalore India - Episkin, Lyon, France - L’Oréal Research and Innovation, Aulnay Sous-Bois, France - L’Oréal Research and Innovation, Mumbai, India
AUTHORS : Bernerd F. Lelièvre D Thillou F MODELS : T-Skin APPLICATIONS : PHOTOPROTECTION UVA / UVB Use of reconstructed skin model to assess the photoprotection afforded by three sunscreen products having different SPF values against DNA lesions and cellular alterations 2024 Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology | EPISKIN, Lyon, France - La Roche-Posay Laboratoire Dermatologique, France - L'Oréal Research and Innovation, France
AUTHORS : Autourde J-B Bataillon M Besne I Boyera N Chapuis A Durand S Lelièvre D Pellevoisin C Rigaudeau A-S Thillou F MODELS : T-Skin APPLICATIONS : Anti-Aging Characterization of a New Reconstructed Full Thickness Skin Model TSkin 2019 International Journal of Molecular Sciences | EPISKIN
AUTHORS : Auriault C. Cotovio J Cottrez F. Groux H. Lelièvre D Meunier Jean-Roch MODELS : EPISKIN APPLICATIONS : SKIN IRRITATION OF CHEMICALS SKIN IRRITATION OF COSMETICS IRR-IS® - EpiSkinTM based model for Irritation - Evaluation of IRR-IS®, an EpiSkinTM based model for Quantifying Chemical Irritation Potency 2012 SOT Society of Toxicology annual meeting | L’Oréal Research and Innovation, ImmunoSearch
AUTHORS : Garrigues A. Gregoire S. Lelièvre D Meunier Jean-Roch Patouillet C MODELS : RHE / RECONSTRUCTED HUMAN EPIDERMIS APPLICATIONS : PERCUTANEOUS ABSORPTION Cutaneous Absorption on RHE: Guidance to the Choice of Solvent for Topical Application 2012 Society of Toxicology (SOT) annual meeting | L'Oréal, Research & Innovation
AUTHORS : Alepee N. Cotovio J Grandidier MH Lelièvre D Meunier Jean-Roch Tornier C MODELS : EPISKIN RHE / RECONSTRUCTED HUMAN EPIDERMIS APPLICATIONS : SKIN IRRITATION OF CHEMICALS Evaluation of the in vitro EpiSkin and SkinEthic RHE Skin Irritation test methods for hazard identification of chemicals 2011 |
AUTHORS : Alepee N. Amsellem Carole Bertino Beatrice Bremond Christelle Capallere Christophe Cotovio J de Brugerolle de Fraissinette A. Grandidier MH Leclaire J Lee AV Lelièvre D Loisel-Joubert Sophie Maloug Saber Meunier Jean-Roch Minondo Anne-Marie Ovigne Jean-Marc Tinois-Tessonneaud Estelle MODELS : HCE / HUMAN CORNEAL EPITHELIUM APPLICATIONS : Eye irritation OCULAR IRRITATION OF CHEMICAL In vitro assessment of eye irritancy using the Reconstructed Human Corneal Epithelial SkinEthic HCE model: application to 435 substances from consumer products industry. 2010 Toxicology In Vitro. 2010 Mar;24(2):523-37. | L'Oréal, Research & Innovation
AUTHORS : Alepee N. Amsellem Carole Bertino Beatrice Bremond Christelle Capallere Christophe Cotovio J de Brugerolle de Fraissinette A. Grandidier M H Leclaire J Lelièvre D Loisel-Joubert Sophie Maloug Saber Meunier Jean-Roch Minondo Anne-Marie Ovigne Jean-Marc Tinois-Tessonneaud Estelle Van Der Lee Aline MODELS : HCE / HUMAN CORNEAL EPITHELIUM In vitro assessment of eye irritancy using the Reconstructed Human Corneal Epithelial SkinEthic™ HCE model: Application to 435 substances from consumer products industry 2009 | SkinEthic
AUTHORS : Bonaventure N. Christiaens F Cotovio J Coutet J Justine P Lelièvre D Marrot L MODELS : EPISKIN APPLICATIONS : Phototoxicity The episkin phototoxicity assay (EPA): Development of an in vitro tiered strategy using 17 reference chemicals to predict phototoxic potency 2007 Toxicol In vitro, 2007 Sep;21(6):977-995 | L'Oreal Research, Life Sciences, 1 Av. E. Schueller,93600 Aulnay-sous-Bois