AUTHORS : Aubery M. Braut Boucher F Noel Hudson M S Robert M Wepierre J APPLICATIONS : PHOTOPROTECTION Phototoxicity Comparison of six different methods to assess UVA cytotoxicity on reconstructed epidermis. Relevance of a fluorimetric assay (the calcein-AM) to evaluate the photoprotective effects of alpha-tocopherol 1997 TOXICOL VITRO. Toxicology in Vitro 1997 ;11 (5):645-651 | M.S. Noel-Hudson, Laboratoire de Pharmacologie, Unite de Dermopharmacologie, Faculte de Pharmacia, 5 rue J.B. Climent, 92296 Chatenay-Malabry Cedex
AUTHORS : Aubery M. Bonnet M Braut Boucher F Font J Muriel M P Noel Hudson M S Pichon J Wepierre J A new three-dimensional culture of human keratinocytes: optimization of differentiation 1994 Cell Biol Toxicol 1994 ;10 (5-6):353-9 | Laboratoire de Glycobiologie et Reconnaissance Cellulaire, INSERM U 180, UFR Biomedicale des Saints-Peres, Paris, France.