Multiple Endpoint Analysis of the 3D-Reconstituted Corneal Epithelium after Treatment with Benzalkonium Chloride: Early Detection of Toxic Damage
lnvestigative Ophtalmology & Visual Science | Vitroscreen
Reconstructed Human Pigmented Epidermis (RHPE): an in vitro model for the evaluation of melanogenesis.
SOFW Magazine | SkinEthic
Expression profiles of phases 1 and 2 metabolizing enzymes in human skin and the reconstructed skin models Episkin and full thickness model from Episkin.
J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2009 Sep;116(3-5):178-86 | L'Oréal, Research & Innovation
Improvement of the experimental setup for skin absorption screening studies
Skin Pharmacology and physiology | L'Oréal Recherche
The use of reconstructed human epidermis for skin absorption testing: Results of the validation study.
Transcriptional profiling defines the effects of nickel in human epidermal keratinocytes.
| SkinEthic
Ocular Gelling Microspheres: In Vitro Precorneal Retention Time and Drug Permeation Through Reconstituted Corneal Epithelium
| SkinEthic
Development of a highly reproducible In Vitro Precorneal Retention Time and Drug Permeation Through Reconstituted Corneal Epithelium
| SkinEthic
Prediction of chemical absorption into and through the skin
British Journal of Dermatology | L'Oreal, Episkin, SkinEthic
Quantitative expression of the Candida albicans secreted aspartyl proteinase gene family in human oral and vaginal candidiasis
Microbiology | St Thomas's Hospital, University of Tuebingen, Friedrich Schiller University Jena and Department of Microbial Pathogenicity Mechanisms
The episkin phototoxicity assay (EPA): Development of an in vitro tiered strategy using 17 reference chemicals to predict phototoxic potency
Toxicol In vitro, 2007 Sep;21(6):977-995 | L'Oreal Research, Life Sciences, 1 Av. E. Schueller,93600 Aulnay-sous-Bois
Tissue-engineered oral mucosa: a review of the scientific literature.
J Dent Res. 2007 Feb;86(2):115-24 | School of Clinical Dentistry, University of Sheffield, Claremont Crescent, Sheffield, S10 2TA, United Kingdom. [email protected]
Comparative studies on the ocular and dermal irritation potential of surfactants
Food Chem Toxicol. 2007 May;45(5):747-58 | Cognis Deutschland GmbH and Co.KG, Henkelstr. 67, 40551 Duesseldorf, NRW, Germany. [email protected]; [email protected]
Progress and opportunities for tissue-engineered skin
Nature. 2007 Feb 22;445(7130):874-80 | The Tissue Engineering Group, Department of Engineering Materials and Division of Biomedical Sciences and Medicine, Kroto Research Institute, North Campus, University of Sheffield, Broad Lane, Sheffield S3 7HQ, UK.
The ECVAM international validation study on in vitro tests for acute skin irritation: report on the validity of the EPISKIN and EpiDerm assays and on the Skin Integrity Function Test.
| Episkin
The ECVAM International Validation Study on In VitroTests for Acute Skin Irritation: Selection of Test Chemicals
| Episkin
Effects of Topically Applied Acitretin in Reconstructed Human Epidermis and the Rhino Mouse
| SkinEthic
Sepicalm VG, a new skin lightening enable to modulate melanogenesis-related genes and to prevent UV-induced pigmentation thanks to its soothing properties
Genomic expression changes induced by topical N-acetyl glucosamine in skin equivalent cultures in vitro.
Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology | Procter & Gamble
Development of genotoxicity test procedures with Episkin®, a reconstructed human skin model: Towards new tools for in vitro risk assessment of dermally applied compounds?
Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis Volume 606, Issues 1-2, 14 July 2006, Pages 39-51 | L’Oréal, Advanced Research, Life Sciences, Safety Research Department, Phototoxicity-Genotoxicity-Carcinogenicity Group, 1, avenue E. Schueller, F-93600 Aulnay Sous Bois, France