Phototoxicity assay on SkinEthicTM RHE
Our epidermis and full thickness models are designed to classify chemicals according to in vitro skin phototoxicity assessment with both topic and systemic pathway.
Epidermis and full thickness skin models can be used for in vitro skin phototoxicity assessment but they should be used with their respective protocol.
- SkinEthicTM RHE phototoxicity test method: example of Bernard et al., 2000 protocol(Click to download)
- EpiSkinTM Large Model phototoxicity test method (Click to download)
Development of a highly sensitive in vitro phototoxicity assay using the SkinEthicTM reconstructed human epidermis. F.-X. Bernard, C. Barrault, A. Deguercy, B. De Wever, M. Rosdy. Cell Biology and Toxicology, 16: 391-400, 2000.
An assessment of the phototoxic hazard of a personal ingredient using in vitro assays. P.A. Jones, A.V. King, L.K. Earl, R.S. Lawrence. Toxicology In Vitro, 17: 471-480, 2003.
Assessment of the phototoxic potential of compounds and finished products using a human reconstructed epidermis. J. Medina, C. Elaesser, V. Picarles, O. Grenet, M. Kolopp, S.-D. Chibout, A. de Brugerolle de Fraissinette. In Vitro & Molecular Toxicology, 14 : 157-168, 2001.
The EpiSkinTM phototoxicity assay (EPA): development of an in vitro tiered strategy using 17 reference chemicals to predict phototoxic potency. D. Lelièvre, P. Justine, F. Christiaens, N. Bonaventure, J. Coutet, L. Marrot, J. Cotovio. Toxicology In Vitro, 21 : 977-995, 2007.
A reconstituted human epidermis to assess cutaneous irritation, photoirritation, and photoprotection in vitro. R. Roguet, C. Cohen, R. Rougier. In vitro skin toxicology; Irritation, Phototoxicity, sensitization. A. Rougier, A.M. Goldberg, H.I. Maibach EDs. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc New York, 141-149, 1994.